April 6, 2007
The labor-management relationship between the IBEW and NECA is perhaps the strongest in the construction industry, and learning about it is now as easy as watching television. ElectricTV.net is a streaming video-based website that is a jointly funded effort between the two organizations. Its mission: to provide an on-line "TV station" or network that provides visitors with interesting news items and stories from the electrical and information systems industry, as well as the construction world in general. Much of the content, of course, will focus on specific projects where NECA contractors and their IBEW work force were presented with difficult or unique challenges and rose to the occasion for the owner or end user. ElectricTV.net is as informative as it is entertaining and is one more way the IBEW-NECA team is demonstrating its leadership in the electrical construction industry.
www.electrictv.net www.ibew.org www.necanet.org
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